Have a Good Night’s Sleep!

see-76900_640Lack of sleep depletes your energy fast. It is easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed when you didn’t get enough sleep. Even one night of broken sleep will have considerable impact on your mood and alertness the next day. Now imagine what one week of broken sleep can do to your body!

The amount of rest the body requires depends on age. Infants sleep as long as 15 to 16 hours, kids usually sleep 11-12 hours per day. At the other extreme, elderly people rarely enjoy an unbroken rest of greater than 5 to 6 hours.

Modern life bombards us with stimulation: television, cellular phone, radios, and late night celebrations are regularly reminding us to remain alert.

Our ancestors did not have these obstacles to rest. They did not have homes with dark shades to avert early morning sunshine, neither did they have light bulbs, to stimulate them at night. Their biological clocks were being tuned to the natural dark and light cycle of our planet.

Staying up late is on epidemic that influences our well being at a deep level. Not getting enough sleep and not being able to wake up easy on the next day are the result.

Have a good night’s sleep!

Your bed must be comfortable! Choose the right bed and cushions. You will certainly enjoy this comfort about one-third of your life. Every few years take a critical look at your bed – do you get a good night’s sleep? If not, you might need to search for a new mattress. If you don’t want to wake up with back or joint pain every day, it is necessary to find the best mattress for you. The return of this investment you will appreciate every morning!

Make sure your bedroom have a relaxing atmosphere. Choose your colors wisely. Red, orange and bright yellow are not sleep inducing colors. Safe these energizing hues for your living room and kitchen. Greens and cool blue colors help relaxation and might help you dose off easier. Ban TV, laptops, and any electronic devices from your bedroom if possible.

Create an evening ritual. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. Drink herbal tea in the evening, listen to some relaxing sounds or read a book – your body will gradually learn your routine and just going through the different steps will prep you for rest if you adhere to your daily ritual.

Be certain to steer clear of coffee, soft drinks, and chocolate in the evenings. They are too stimulating and make it more challenging to fall asleep. Heavy and spicy food is also not helping in this respect so it is better to eat a light meal in the evening.

Take only short naps during the day. Not more than 15-20 minutes otherwise your sleep pattern might be compromised.

Avoid brilliant lights in the evening and in your bedroom because your brain will think it is bright daylight even if it is midnight. This can lead to difficulty falling asleep and elevated states of stress and anxiety.

A gentle yoga practice during the day can also help getting a nurturing good night’s sleep.

What helps you to sleep as a baby? Please share in the comment section below!