The Art Of Silence: Meditation

buddha-708683_640In a fast-paced corporate world, many people are seeking a way to get away from all the stress and relax. Maybe you have this wish, too. Meditation (a method to obtain a level of deep relaxation) is one way to find inner peace and tranquility. This is why we might add meditation practice to our corporate yoga classes at St. Louis Corporate Yoga – depending on the wishes of the company we work with.

You might think of monks sitting in crossed-leg position and reaching states of bliss when you think of mediation, but there are many ways to meditate. There are many ways to reach a meditative state – you might need to try out a few methods to find your favorite pathway. One thing to remember is that there are no right or wrong ways to mediate – this judgmental attitude would defeat the purpose of the whole exercise. Practice and exploration will help you finding ways that feel right for you.

Meditation is associated with many religions, but you don’t need to be associated with any particular religion in order to meditate. You might want to explore different methods to find a form that feels most comfortable for you.

One common method includes repeating a sound or word, called a mantra. Other forms of meditation involve focusing on a visual image, such as the flame of a candle or a symbol. Other meditative techniques involve breathing and physical movements, such as yoga and breathing exercises.

Many mediation techniques help you clear your mind of the constant thoughts that normally run through the mind. In reducing or eliminating these thoughts, one can reach a state of deep mental relaxation that is associated with meditation.

The two primary approaches to meditation are: concentrative meditation and mindfulness meditation. Both forms are useful, and one is no better than the other is. It is your personal preference to choose your favorite or better yet – you can always try both.

In concentrative meditation, the practitioner focuses on breath, an object, or a sound (mantra). In mindfulness meditation, the practitioner sits quietly and “observes” everything in the environment, including thoughts, sounds, smells, and more.

In mindfulness meditation, you practice not reacting to the environment (both internal and external), which can lead to a greater ability to act in a non-reactive way in daily life. Just imagine how many conflict situations could be avoided if we act less reactive and more pro-active in the office or at home.

It is not just mental benefits that result from meditation. Look at these rejuvenating physical benefits: increased heart health through relaxation, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, and a more youthful feeling. The mental benefits of meditation include: an increased sense of well-being, decreased anxiety and depression, and emotional stability. Those with physical or mental health conditions should consult with a health care professional before beginning a mediation practice. If you feel comfortable you might share your condition with your corporate yoga instructor, too so she can create sequences and breathing exercises to fit your special condition.

There are many resources available on meditation – countless books, trainings, workshops even retreats. If you are new to meditation you may opt to take a class or have an instructor guide you when starting this new habit. Maybe you prefer to read up on the various options and practice on your own? Your local library can be a great resource for books. Or visit our local yoga studio (Clayton Yoga Studio) to take a class and learn the art of meditation.

Meditation is an enjoyable experience and will provide balance to an otherwise hectic life. Why not give it a try?




Want To Practice More Yoga?

IMG_4976Having the opportunity to take corporate yoga classes during the workday is awesome to find relief from every day stress. If you fell in love with yoga at your organization, why not practice more during the week?

In our corporate yoga programs we teach Vinyasa yoga as this type of yoga is very easy to integrate into a work day. You won’t need to take a shower and you can get back to your desk immediately after class. Still you will enjoy a full workout and experience stress reduction as a result.

Although Vinyasa is the fastest growing yoga style for a reason, there are many different yoga styles you can experience! Which one will work best for you? The only way to find out is to try them and see how you feel after taking a class. Check out the yoga studios in your neighborhood and try different styles. Your gym might offer different type of yoga classes, too.

Besides experiencing different yoga styles, you might love to practice more than just that one class at work. We invite all out corporate yoga participants to visit us at our Clayton Yoga Studio in Clayton. For information about our studio, please go to our website.

Especially if you are a beginner yoga practitioner, we advise you to take live classes and not online ones. You will need the caring eyes of a certified yoga teacher to help you practice yoga in a totally safe way. Your instructor will be able to show you modifications of poses to fit your body’s special needs. Plus nothing substitutes the encouragement of a personal interaction with your teacher and fellow students.

Online yoga classes can be a good option if you are at least at the intermediate level and already have a good understanding of the poses. If you are generally healthy, taking a virtual class can be a good option. Please be mindful that you need to be cautious as there is nobody to support you on the spot.

As a general rule of thumb, if you have health issues or you are not yet confident in your yoga practice, we advise you to take the extra effort to practice at a studio.

One excellent option could be to take private yoga classes where the attention is 100% on you. You work very closely with your yoga instructor to create the best possible yoga plan for you. You get undivided attention and instruction. Our yoga teachers are more than happy to provide private classes at the studio.

Have you thought about taking a yoga retreat? This is the ultimate yoga experience! One week or more at a fabulous resort to forget about all the challenges in your world. Being immersed in your yoga practice, taking care of your soul and learning new ways to find meaning in life. A quick search online for yoga retreats will give you a colorful list of many possibilities.

Clayton Yoga International offers a unique yoga retreat and yoga teacher training combo next summer in Guatemala (June 28th-July 12th, 2014). Would you like to explore Guatemala while enjoying daily yoga work to deepen your practice? Learn more on our Clayton Yoga International site!

The opportunities are practically endless to practice yoga. Take the ones that fit your life and delight your soul!


Workplace Yoga Programs that Best Fits Your Needs

St. Louis Corporate Yoga offers lots of benefits to corporations willing to invest in employee wellness programs.  Michelle Maue, owner of Clayton Yoga, creator of St. Louis Corporate Yoga and leader of Clayton Yoga Teacher Training has trained over 100 St. Louis corporate yoga instructors since 2001.  St. Louis Corporate Yoga Instructors offer the best yoga classes available in the industry today.

A study done at University of California at San Francisco has confirmed that stress really does age you.  According to Thomas Perls, MD, “it isn’t the amount of stress that matters, but how you manage it”.  (articles, “10 Secrets to a good, long life” July/Aug 2005 AARP, the magazine).

Corporate yoga revitalizes the immune system and the major organs of the body; removing waste products up to three times more quickly.  Improved immunity means less workdays lost through colds, fatigue and other non-specific illnesses.

Yoga calms and energizes the nervous, endocrine, and caridovascular system and awakens hidden reserves of energy and vitality.

Regular on-site corporate yoga classes also develop stronger bonds between the employees and staff.  When people take yoga classes together, they build better avenues of communication and trust between one another and have fun.

Tom Hinton, chief investigator for the U.S Federal Government started taking yoga for chronic lower back pain and found that “yoga helped me to detach from the problems, lower my stress and anxiety, push distractions away and increase my flexibility.  I also love the music and quiet soothing instruction.  I highly recommend St. Louis Corporate Yogato anyone”.

With more than 10 years of experience, we are aware that every company is different and requires a unique approach.  St. Louis Corporate Yoga saves time by offering professional, courteous service.

To sign your company up for corporate on-site yoga classes, contact Michelle Maue at 314-630-1677 or through our Contact page.


Reigniting Balance in Our Work Life With Yoga

Taking time to properly care for the self, helps us rebound more quickly from day to day life’s challenges.  In survey after survey, Americans identify stress as their number one health concern today.

More than 50% of adults in the U.S report high stress on a daily basis.  Untreated, stress can seriously affect performance. (  Stress is like an enclosing wall all around us.  By training you in the art of single-pointedness, yoga immediately improves mental concentration and focus.

Yogic deep breathing and yoga stretches create a genuine sense of inner and outer space.  Tightening deadlines, conflict and other stresses will lose their grip as you learn to breathe and stand your ground.

Yoga physiologically transforms apathy and depression into happiness by oxygenating the brain and increasing the levels of endorphins in the blood.

In everyday work life, there are bound to be difficulties in the road ahead; the real key is how to maintain equanimity in the face of adversity.

In Yoga practice, we learn to develop longer, slower brain waves, which shift us from a sluggish tired state to a more energized, vital and awakened state. There we find hidden reserves of aliveness and experience greater ease throughout the entire workday. We come back to our desk after yoga class ready, alert, and available.

As Sandra, one of my corporate clients likes to say, “I am 57 and have been spending my whole life tying myself into knots, now I want to learn to untie them”.

When we stay calm, we create more balance in our lives, and stay connected to our greater goodwill.  There, even in the face of difficulties, we know we are inspiring by our own very example a more compassionate, open, strong and loving stance, ready to tackle any problem, and find just about any solution.




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