CEOs Who Believe in Yoga

freeimage-3252307-webYoga’s acceptance in the workplace depends very much on how the management thinks about of this ancient practice.  If the CEO of a company has his/her experience practicing yoga and learned to appreciate its benefits, adding yoga to the corporate wellness offers is easy.

Why do CEOs love yoga?

We found 3 great articles about how yoga changed the perspective of leaders in different industries. Please enjoy the short excerpts and if you found them interesting, please go and read the whole articles.

Yoga has deeply influenced Stanton Kawer’s (CEO and chairman of Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide) life.

“I love business. I am passionate about growing companies. Still, I can share that since I started practicing more than two years ago, yoga has profoundly influenced my life in every aspect. It has redefined my sense of self. I have changed as a husband, father, friend and leader.”

“On a personal level yoga has been instructive in helping me redefine my expectations for achievement. Perhaps the most salient lesson I’ve learned is that there are no scorecards to define success. In the yoga studio there are no winners or losers. No umpires. No victory measured against the loss of another. In yoga success emanates from within and is defined by self-mastery.”

“Yoga allows me to carry both equanimity and enthusiasm through my days. Ultimately it has allowed me to be a more effective CEO by making me a happier, healthier and more mindful human being.”


Mark Bertolini, chairman and CEO at Aetna had a very personal experience with the healing powers of yoga. After a serious skiing injury he embarked on a journey to heal his body from the damage caused.

His own experiences with nontraditional remedies lead him to start a study to understand the benefits of yoga and mindfulness at the workplace.

“To prove the effectiveness of these practices at work, Aetna collaborated with eMindful and the American Viniyoga Institute to craft a 12-week study, during which Aetna employees practiced alternative techniques to reduce stress as measured by cortisol levels and heart-rate variability.

“When employees are in the highest quintile of stress, their health care costs are $2,000 a year on average higher than the average employee,” he said. “We saw dramatic drops in stress after the program was over, and we saw a 69-minute gain in productivity of our employees over a year,” he added.

The increased productivity along with reduced health-care costs and lowered employee stress yielded an 11-to-1 return on the program’s investments, Bertolini said, which added up to a savings of about $3,000 per employees per year.

“The other part that we couldn’t measure that I think is far more important is being present in the work environment, and by being present making better decisions for the organization and those decisions depending on where you are in the company take a longer time to have an impact, and we’ll see that over time” he added.

Following the study’s success, Aetna has opened up its stress-management programs to the insurance company’s customers and their employees.


Mark Hughes (CEO of C3 Metrics) shares about his experience with practicing yoga and the 3 principles he learned in the process:

“…I was beginning a journey learning more about myself and, surprisingly, more about business than I learned at one of the top ten business schools in the country and 20 years of professional experience.

Here are three things I learned:

1). Embrace Fear to Overcome Fear

“The headstand.  It’s a pose in yoga that few novices relish.  But I envisioned it in my mind, embraced the fear of falling as real, the fear of injury as real, but temporary, and thus overcame that fear.

And with many other poses in yoga, the fear of falling, the fear of making your failure widely known in front of many people is entirely real.  But embracing that fear enables regular people to overcome great adversity in business.  It enabled Richard Branson to create a billion dollar enterprise from a basement.  It enabled Howard Schultz to go from subsidized housing to creating Starbucks.  Achieve power through fear and adversity by embracing it.”

2). Transitions Make or Break You

The tough part is transitioning from one position to that position; that is what makes or breaks you.

Again, this is true in business and in life.  Doing what you’ve been doing isn’t hard.  Transitioning from one position to the next is where failure abounds.

It’s this transition that’s a lot like business. Transitions require planning and execution with intense focus.

If you’re paying attention, planning is the easiest part.  Transitioning from planning to execution is where things make or break you.  Without intense focus, you could slip and lose sight of the end goal.

3). Soul Needs Training

The whole “Namaste” “Ooohhm” aspect of yoga freaked me out.  What I’ve learned, though, is the complete yogi – and the complete CEO – are about positive energy.

Namaste is simply a phrase meaning “the light in me honors the light in you.”  Whether you’re Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, or Hindi, when you examine the phrase Namaste, it’s really about energy.

Like nuclear power, it’s energy that can be used for good or bad.  The amount of positive energy you bring to your office, your call, your meeting, is felt.  This is embodied in your body language, your smile, your gratitude, and gestures like opening a door and saying hi.  When a baby smiles at you, you smile too.  There is no complication in that exchange.  The amount of energy and light you bring reflects on people.  And sometimes that soul energy requires training.


What is your experience with corporate yoga? What do you learn during your practice that you will be able to use during your workdays? please feel free to share below in the Comments section! We would love to hear from you!
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Playing the Edge

14766595_sPlaying the edge in each pose challenges us to find our own source of peace.  Playing the edge in each yoga posture brings about great self-imposed limitations which then help us to feel safe, cared for, and to be at home everywhere.  When we feel cared for and see this world as compassionate, alive and providing a soft landing.

The yogi knows that the true battlefield is not won or lost on the outside but exists within the realm of one’s own psyche.  Stepping out of the comfort zone may be frightening but it keeps you in the flowing energy of the universe.

When we poke, prod, and stimulate opening places, it does not matter how far we go. We practice to listen to our own unique body today!  Many people practice yoga as a means to get someplace else.  This is not playing the edge, and the outcome reinforces our not good enough model. Slamming up against the sensations and forcing the body to open is a subtle form of violence that seeks to control, conquer, and reinforce negative messages between the mind and body.  It is far better to back off especially in yoga class, and allow your body appropriate time to soften, expand, let go, and become more centered and peaceful.

Being truly empowered is not about being invincible to life.  We live so often at the surface of life with all of its appearances-untapped to what is really possible.  Is it truly possible to achieve enlightenment, to wake up each morning and send healing and harmonizing messages to your body, thanking the great spirit for a brand new day.

There is a Chinese Proverb that says “a bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song“. Real strength is allowing our ego to be strong enough to make those adjustments, to modify when needed and take child pose if necessary.

Yoga and playing the edge provide us continually with an awareness of this test and help us stay neutral and present to the learning process. The time when we walk backward into our uneasy qualities about ourself like being controlling, anxious, blaming, or judging are tremendous eye opening experiences.  If someone asks you to point to who you are, one finger draws close to the heart.  Our greatest weakness is our greatest strength because it is there in our own mind that we must fight the greatest of all battles. Many saints in India tell us to do our duty wholeheartedly and then let it go.  Let go of all of the stuff, things like unrealized expectations, perfectionism, and clinging or neediness.  See it, put your awareness there and then drop it, like a heavy stack of books.

Yoga and relaxation does not cure us of life’s mystery, it only serves to clarify how much bigger we are then these personal struggles and gives us ample time to transform blocks into learning.

To get a corporate yoga onsite class started, please contact or 314-630-1677 today! Namaste.




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Having a Spirit of Cooperation in the Workplace

12195685_sMichelle Maue, owner of Clayton Yoga began St. Louis Corporate Yoga in response to needs of her clientele seeking to reduce stress in the workplace over ten years ago!  Since that time, St. Louis Corporate Yoga has over 4 corporate yoga instructors teaching onsite wellness classes throughout St. Louis.  With over a decade of experience, St. Louis Corporate Yoga provides over 9 weekly classes in a courteous, prompt and professional manner.

Many yoga corporate clients report overall greater resiliency to challenge, increasing greater cooperation, teamwork and levels of support.  Our long standing corporate yoga programs have also shown a marked increased in improved employee morale and better communication between employee and employers.  Sometimes, we begin our yoga class with a heartfelt and sincere prayer of gratitude called the Heart Meditation by Deepak Chopra.

In this simple and powerful story or meditation, students are prompted to recall any situation at work where they feel a certain grievance toward a particular person or situation and using their imagination create space and allow their energy to shift back to the breath, lengthening in a calm way, new positive states of mind.

When we begin to take a make a more conscious effort and choose to focus on the positive side to our circumstance; we slowly can make the shift.  We can very often learn from resistance how to transform our own mindset.  The journey from resentment to gratitude is very productive to our energy, health and mental well being.

When we live from a place of appreciation even for the setbacks, we and allow the healing life force to move through us.  Sometimes the greatest of mistakes, can often later become the greatest stepping stones to our success!  The following is a written copy of this exact meditation for you to enjoy…

[box]Heart Meditation by Deepak Chopra
Experience gratitude in your heart by considering all the things in your life for which you are grateful. Think about all the people in your life you love and the people who share their love with you. Spend a few minutes reviewing the gifts in your life for which you are appreciative.

Keeping your awareness in your heart, let go of all grievances, resentments and regrets. Repeat, every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle, I relinquish all regrets and grievances and choose the miracle (Repeat 3x)

Think of anyone that you may be holding a grudge or resentment against. Visualize them in your awareness and practice forgiveness, recognizing that everyone is doing their best from their state of consciousness. Have the intention to forgive others and yourself from any actions that have resulted from pain.

Having let go of resentments, grievances and regrets and having embraced forgiveness, bring your attention back to your breathing.[/box]

It’s great to have a healthy body, but the rewards of creating a healthy attitude and appreciative spirit is far greater.  When we release our judgement, we set ourself free!  We become more compassionate with the complexities of the working world and find things in our coworkers that have allowed us to do things we never could achieve alone.  As one yoga corporate yoga client said, “yoga classes have made me more aware of just how interdependent we all really are”.



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St. Louis Corporate Yoga Delivers Positive Results to the Workplace

10000223_sNo one is immune from feelings of frustration from too much expectation or competition.  Tensions can arise especially in the workplace. Practicing yoga and looking at our breath can greatly neutralize excessive stress.  When we redirect our attention to the breath, we find the unity and peace is there.  According to Wayne Dyer, when we stay connected to spirit, nothing can go wrong.  Judging another only makes us someone that needs to judge.

In order to develop a calm, equanimous mind, we look to our breath.  After just one minute or longer, with the practice of deeper breathing, we feel more energized and refreshed.  Too much work often results in poorer overall performance and results.  Try to step back several times throughout the work day and simply be aware of your breath. 

I began practicing yoga sixteen years ago to find inner peace.  At 26, I was a restless, and very anxious first time mother.  I wanted to be a great mom.  So, I decided to try yoga.  At first, I found it difficult to stay focused and concentrate on one pose at a time. My mind wanted to race around so many times!  I must be honest, because my body was so flexible, it gave me courage to keep trying to calm my brain.  After practicing yoga regularly for 6 months, I definitely noticed I was less judgmental both with myself and with others.  Now after 16 years, my mind may still be unruly and reactive, but now I want to learn how to work cooperatively with others, soften their burdens and be happy.

Yoga corporate onsite classes has this same softening effect on our clients.  Many students reports that they feel less tension at work, greater energy, more vitality and more patience with their own approach to learning.  Students tell me that they practice the breathing on the plane, while in a meeting or completing a project.  Corporate yoga students enjoy learning how to breathe the yoga postures apart in order to enjoy all the benefits yoga has to offer.  They are most appreciative for the all levels yoga approach that St. Louis Corporate yoga classes offers and find that stretching with their work colleagues is a great way to build a cooperative and collaborative, fun work atmosphere!

By gently coming back to the breath, we can all release negativity and develop a stronger mind.  In truth, I think the universe wants us to enjoy our tasks and to have a greater sense of ease with life’s responsibilities.  It is certainly more fun to let go of things we cannot control and learn to stay calm, and be more focused.

Finding greater discipline to stay in there in times of challenge helps us to cherish and awaken loving kind energy and vitality at the workplace.  Let us help you design a unique yoga corporate program that fits your company’s needs today!  To get a free phone consultation with St. Louis Corporate Yoga, call 314-630-1677.  Please join us!

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Key Benefits of Corporate Yoga Programs

Walter Jones TestimonialSt. Louis Corporate Yoga creates key benefits in our yoga wellness onsite program throughout greater St. Louis. 

What clients say from taking just a few yoga classes is a dramatic increase in higher levels of energy.   Even greater than coffee, which offers just a short 2-3 hour buzz; yoga by contrast, offers clients find sustained levels of higher energy throughout the day. 

Those who practice yoga also experience more confidence in their own health and rely less and less on drugs, medication and office visits to treat in many cases stress related issues, like the common cold, indigestion or chronic headaches.  Lower healthcare visits equal lower health insurance premiums reducing more costs for corporate company owners.

Lastly, a very powerful benefit we found is the overall better feelings of community and cooperative support with their work colleagues.

Overall feedback from corporate clients report that although work challenges continue, practicing yoga increases cooperation, teamwork and greater levels for compassion for company coworkers. 

Walter Jones states “As I was getting older, I wanted to do something, to improve my joints, flexibility and my strength, improve my health. With corporate yoga classes, I can come in the middle of the day, renew myself in the middle of the workweek. I love it. Changes I have noticed have been to improve flexibility and I find that I get a lot less stressful about things. I tend to feel that things will work themselves out if I don’t panic. I just think the best thing you can do for yourself is yoga in terms of improving your health, having a great outlook and overall tone body and muscle mass.”

Hear more about what Walter Jones has to say about St. Louis Corporate Video in this video testimonial:

Paula Teabeau says “I have always wanted to try yoga. I have seen it on TV. I have a very stressful job and wanted to also practice something where I could burn calories and also something calm for my mind. The camaraderie for my employees makes it enjoyable and it’s offered two times a week. Overall, it is a wonderful class.  Overall, I am less stressed, realized that a lot of my muscles have relaxed more, more ambidextrous, I am a different person, I have a different outlook, makes my day go faster, and helping me physically, mentally, and much better job performance. It gives you a different feeling about yourself and I would definitely recommend it”. 

See also more here about what Paula Teabeau has to say in this yoga video testimonial:

With over 10 years of experience, St. Louis Corporate Yoga are the corporate yoga experts.  We gladly bring extra yoga mats, yoga music, challenging and safe, accessible yoga postures and invite all students whether they are beginner or more advanced.  Our all levels yoga approach is great for the corporate yoga scene. 

St. Louis Corporate Yoga has offered onsite wellness programs to more than 10 companies and over 800 happy and satisfied students!  Call us today and let us help you create the most motivating yoga program to meet your company’s needs.  Please contact Michelle Maue, 314-630-1677 for more information or email,


All You Wanted to Know About Corporate Yoga

10739471_sCorporate yoga classes are proven to add to your business’s revenue and profits.

Offering yoga classes at the workplace has many advantages. You are welcome to browse through our site for research results and different articles on how yoga can support reaching your objectives, let it be a decrease in employee absence due to illness or a better work atmosphere.

In order to make it easier to find the information you are looking for, we put together a list of major topics with all the relevant articles gathered in one place.

Feedback from our corporate yoga students:

On our “Praise” page you will find more than 10 different video testimonials from our happy yoga students from different organizations we work with.

Plus check out the following 2 articles with more feedback:

Corporate yoga program design:

It is our passion to help all companies interested in starting an on-site program to find the perfect arrangement!  We believe that no two organizations are the same so their needs and possibilities vary wildly, too.

We make sure to create the most fitting program for your particular situation. The following articles give insight how we accomplish this goal:

10 reasons to get started today:

Your company’s unique needs:

One-on-one yoga instruction for executives:

Benefits of yoga in any organizations:

There is much to be said about the benefits your company and employees will reap as a result of yoga wellness initiatives. We gathered 5 of our most important articles on this subject here:

Yin yoga for corporate:

Stronger bonds among employees:

Yoga benefits St. Louis companies:

Finding balance:

High energy, positive results:

Specific health conditions and yoga:

Many symptoms and even full blown health conditions could be partly remedied with including yoga in your life. We selected 5 articles that will give you interesting insights and practical suggestions!

Eye strain, tired eyes:


Sitting as a silent killer:

Better sleep:

More energy:

Important: We advise to consult your doctor before beginning yoga if you suffer from health issues! Please let your yoga teacher know about any health conditions you have so she/he can help you enjoy yoga without any risks.

We understand that you will have very concrete questions about how to integrate corporate yoga offerings into the employee benefits structure of your organization. We would like to invite you to a complimentary consultation so that you have the best chance to have all your questions answered. It is easy to set up a consult with us! Simply call us at 314-630-1677 or email to info at to schedule your session. 

We are happy to meet you at your offices, of course to save you precious time.

Please ask about our latest corporate yoga case study! The results speak for themselves and we cannot wait to share them with you.



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St. Louis Corporate Yoga Clients Feedback

Natalie Warren testimonialPresenting corporate yoga programs for over ten years, St. Louis Corporate Yoga now teaches 11 corporate yoga classes each week and offers several more private yoga classes to top company executives too.

The top benefits for having on-site yoga classes is the convenience, the team building, fun and challenging movements and the incredible vitality and energy clients feel throughout the day.

The reason yoga is so successful is its emphasis on the breath.  Poor breathing is the cause of much tension, stress, exhaustion and anxiety. And even more importantly to understand, poor breathing is an epidemic bad habit in today’s society.

Our yoga instructors will guide clients to learn how to practice yogic breathing.  This deeper breathing will allow for greater circulation with less work, less stress on the heart, improving the overall cardiovascular system and enhancing ability, comfort and awareness in difficult situations.

Here is what several of our corporate clients had to say:

“I can handle the daily problems and hassles better and I have a new variety of positions or movements from yoga to help alleviate my back pain. Many of these I can do during the day, even in my office. I highly recommend Michelle’s class and have so to many friends.” Tom Hinton

“Yoga has improved my overall health and attitude personally and professionally. I am stronger, calmer and more focused. I recently participated in the biometric screenings and ALL of my numbers were great.” Natalie Warren

Yoga has helped me reduce stress and tension. My balance has improved as I am getting older. The breathing aspect has helped me to quit smoking.” Donna Boeger

St. Louis Corporate Yoga offers a variety of levels in each yoga class.  No matter what background and level of ability, every yoga client is encouraged to join and attend class.  Because the emphasis is on how you feel and not how you look, St. Louis Corporate Yoga motivates and empowers everyone to be their own personal best.  When we are true to our heart, the world bends to support us.  Authenticity comes from the soul, not from the ego.

More and more companies are seeing the direct benefits of offering company yoga to their employees.  Insurance premiums are lower.  Employees report heightened satisfaction at work.  In just a few short weeks, clients report greater inner strength, motivation and sense of purpose.

At St. Louis Corporate Yoga, we truly believe that everyone can practice yoga.  And that once we find the support is there, we change the way we look at things, and with that newfound perspective, everything in life naturally follows. It is true that life is simply a stretch!

For more information about St. Louis Corporate Yoga, please contact us at 314-630-1677 or email us  Also to view more corporate yoga video testimonials about this program, please click this link here:



How Can Yin Yoga Help Benefit Corporate Yoga Classes?

10000223_sYin Yoga is a unique style of yoga that emphasizes relaxation while promoting optimal mind-body functioning. The emphasis is on holding poses for long periods of time while relaxing the muscles of the body.

Up until recently, doctors believed that it was not wise to put pressure or to exercise the joints, believing joints would only wear out.  Yin is comprised of weight bearing postures placed on the joints.  This opens the deep connective tissue and strengthens our joints. Yin Yoga postures work the deepest layers of tension often located from the top of the knee to base of rib cage. Movement in upper back or head can be kept relaxed and at ease.

Although traditional western medicine has been skeptical about the existence of energy pathways, according to Chinese medicine there has been a great deal of research proving the beneficial flow of ‘chi‘ or energy throughout our meridians.

The connective tissue of our body throughout our body act as a conduit for the flow of energy through the meridians. By activating the connective tissues it may be possible to directly stimulate the meridians and this can profoundly affect health in a positive way.

Yin Yoga is very similar to acupuncture and works with the meridians or energy lines of our body. Additionally, placing our body into particular postures sends electrical currents back to the internal organs which in turn help to promote overall long term health and healing.

For the self-aware practitioner, this can provide another aspect of practice where by specific postures are selected to support the health of particular organs or to even rebalance disruptive emotional states.  For example in traditional Chinese medicine, the health of the liver and gallbladder is associated with emotions such as anger and frustration. By practicing yin yoga poses such as swan and dragonfly the flow of energy through the liver and gallbladder meridians can be enhanced and the practitioner may find relief from these imbalances.

Yin Yoga can also challenge yoga practitioners in a unique way whereby the long hold times can often produce a sense of ease with what is uncomfortable.  Yin Yoga can foster an increased awareness of the deeper aspects of our selves as they rise to the surface to be confronted.

Yin Yoga allows us to draw our attention towards the internal phenomenon within us so that we are able to come closer to maintaining awareness of the subtle flow of energy. We may become awakened to the way we store tensions within the body and as we release the physical pressure, we allow and let go of the cellular memories and can gain access to an enhanced sense of clarity.

This facet of the yin practice, is especially useful for those who sit all day at their desk.   In addition to the sense of quietude that can be experienced during a Yin Yoga session, these wonderful postures can also result in quite intense and illuminating occurrences that are invaluable for those seeking personal and spiritual growth.

Let’s create a unique yoga program for your company’s individual needs, please contact us at or 314-630-1677.

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Diabetes and Yoga

Prevalence Of Diabetes And Pre-Diabetes In The United States, 2007
Prevalence Of Diabetes And Pre-Diabetes In The United States, 2007

Did you know that more than 8% of the total population of the US suffers now from diabetes? And this number is consistently growing: just in 2010 1,9 million people were newly diagnosed with this condition according to the American Diabetes Association’s  2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (released Jan. 26, 2011 Source: There are estimated 79 million people who are in the pre-stages of diabetes.

13679080_sHow many of your employees are suffering from this new epidemic or are in the pre-diabetes phase? And what is the impact on your organization as a result?

The costs of diabetes are horrendous for our society.  Not just the economic burden we suffer as a result if this disease. We should not forget about the consequences of loss in quality of life for all the sufferers and their families.

Some of the most serious complications as a result of diabetes are:

  • heart disease and stroke
  • high blood pressure
  • blindness
  • kidney disease
  • nervous system disease (Neuropathy)
  • and amputations.

Here are the shocking facts about the real cost of diabetes for the US economy:

“New research provides revised comprehensive estimates that suggest that the U.S. national economic burden of pre-diabetes and diabetes reached $218 billion in 2007. This estimate includes $153 billion in higher medical costs and $65 billion in reduced productivity. The average annual cost per case is $2,864 for undiagnosed diabetes, $9,975 for diagnosed diabetes ($9,677 for type 2 and $14,856 for type 1), and $443 for pre-diabetes (medical costs only). For each American, regardless of diabetes status, this burden represents a cost of approximately $700 annually.”


The above research results urge all of us to search for understanding of how to prevent and treat this new epidemic and reduce its economic toll.

Can yoga help in managing diabetes and decrease the debilitating health conditions as a result of diabetes?

We see growing evidence that yoga may positively influence the health of our yoga students with or without a diabetes condition. Some of our clients report lower blood sugar levels and a higher awareness for healthy lifestyle choices.

We found a research study critically reviewing published research around diabetes and yoga done by Kim E. Innes and Heather K. Vincent at the Center for the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, VA, USA.

Here is the summary of this research:

“In summary, a growing number of studies suggest that yoga may improve indices of risk in adults with type 2 diabetes, including glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, lipid profiles, anthropometric characteristics and blood pressure. Limited data also indicate that yoga may reduce oxidative damage, improve coagulation profiles and pulmonary function, and decrease sympathetic activation in adults with diabetes and related chronic disorders. Yoga may also be useful in reducing medication requirements in patients with diabetes and could help prevent and manage cardiovascular complications in this population.”

Source: The influence of yoga-based programs on risk profiles in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review.

Besides reporting very promising facts about the use of yoga in diabetes therapy, it also calls for more “rigorous studies … to clarify the effects of specific yoga therapies on measures of DM 2 risk and related clinical outcomes, especially in American and other Western populations that remain underrepresented in existing research.”

Our St. Louis Corporate Yoga program introduces a gentle Vinyasa yoga practice that emphasizes the importance of the body-mind connection. Offering on-site yoga classes once or twice a week for your employees will increase their health consciousness and can result in better diabetes management for those who suffer from this condition.

If this article piqued your interest, please call us at 314-630-1677 to get more information how we can help your employees stay healthier longer!


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Sweet Sleep For Increased Productivity

Lack of sleep has a major impact on productivity. It is difficult to function 100% and keep your focus when you haven’t slept enough. We all know the leady tiredness after a night that didn’t bring enough sleep.

Sixty million Americans have occasional sleep issues. Just imagine how many of your employees might suffer from the consequences of sleep problems!

“At least 40 million Americans each year suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders each year, and an additional 20 million experience occasional sleeping problems. These disorders and the resulting sleep deprivation interfere with work, driving, and social activities. They also account for an estimated $16 billion in medical costs each year, while the indirect costs due to lost productivity and other factors are probably much greater. Doctors have described more than 70 sleep disorders, most of which can be managed effectively once they are correctly diagnosed.”

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Insomnia, the most common sleep problem affects more than half of all adults in the United States.  Sleeplessness means the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as one desires.

Would you like to know if you suffer from this condition?

  • Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Does it take longer than 20 minutes to fall asleep?
  • Do you wake up during the night and cannot go back to sleep?

If you answered yes to those questions, you might well be suffering from insomnia.

Most often you get a prescription for sleeping pills in order to deal with your sleeping problems. But do they help? Taking sleeping pills might get addictive fast, robbing you the ability to fall asleep without the pills.

Fortunately there are ways to ensure that you can fall asleep fast and easy even after a stressful day.

How practicing yoga will lead to better sleep

Sometimes people are just too tired to fall asleep. This might sound as illogical but true. You need to relax in order to be able to fall asleep.

  1. If you are tired before your bedtime, doing restorative poses and breathing will help.  Practice for a few minutes – even 5 minutes will make a difference – until you feel more relaxed and then go to bed.
  2. Doing yoga breathing slows down your heartbeat and helps you relax. One of the easiest breathing exercises that you can do anytime and especially beneficial before sleep is this: Inhale to the count of 3, exhale to the count of 6. Important thing is to exhale twice as long as you inhale. Breathe through the nose.  You can increase the count to 4+8 or even 5+10 as you get more advanced.
  3. Try progressive muscle tensing and relaxing when you lie in bed. Lie down comfortable in the Savasana pose. From your toes up tense and relax your body parts. It takes only a few minutes and will raise your awareness for your body. If you need help, there are audios available as mp3s or CDs to learn this method.

During our corporate yoga classes we pay special attention to breathing and restorative poses. What you learn during those classes, you will be able to use in any situation. Plus if you have any special questions, your yoga instructor can give you expert advice. Or even put together a special yoga sequence just for you!

We would love to show you how St. Louis Corporate Yoga can help to increase productivity in your organization! Give us a call at 314-630-1677 for a consultation if you are interested to learn about our company yoga programs!



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